Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pre-Cruise Info!

Hello Everyone!
Looks like you have made it to my page! Here, you'll be able to track what I am doing aboard the Oscar Dyson from July 19 - Aug 6th. You can also track my daily position in the Bering Sea by following this link: http://shiptracker.noaa.gov/
From there you can look at the position of all NOAA ships or simply follow mine via "Oscar Dyson" (DY) and "Current Cruise."

I encourage everyone to swamp me with questions you may have as you read my blogs. My goal is that everyone can learn from this and share in part of the fun, and if you are one of my students, you will be ahead of the game as we will be using the research I am conducting in my classroom this year! Have fun!
-Miss Miller

1 comment:

  1. So far so good? just waiting to see what you've done so far.
